James Francois

Luxury Property Specialist

Where Luxury Meets Home

James Francois
Real Estate Professional
Southwest Orlando
(407) 663-7360  |  SL3097502 FL   |  james.francois@cbrealty.com

James M. François offers buyers and sellers throughout Gotha, Winter Garden and Ocoee a prolific skill set and deep dedication to superior customer service. He takes his buyers from search to close by getting to know them, creating a plan of action and staying on top of all details. When meeting with sellers, he determines his clients' objectives and then designs a winning strategy defined by innovative, far-reaching marketing, competitive pricing and comparative property analysis. No matter how challenging the circumstances, James confidently negotiates the best terms and conditions for his clients.

Luxury With Coldwell Banker










*Data based on closed and recorded buyer and/or seller transaction sides of homes sold for $1 million or more as reported by affiliates of the U.S. Coldwell Banker franchise system for the calendar year of 2022. USD$.


View the 2024 Trend Report

The Trend Report, published by the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program, curates high-net-worth consumer insights generated from a Censuswide survey, along with supporting data from the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, Wealth-X, and other top experts to uncover the latest luxury home trends driving the market now and in the future.

Get an Instant Estimate on Your Home

Use the CB Estimate® tool to learn your home's value so you can tackle the real estate market with confidence.

*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.

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